To purchase, select style and then write following in notes to seller area:
Childs first & middle name:
Day of week born:
Month, date, year born:
Time born:
Weight & height at birth:
How name was chosen:
One short fact for bottom middle ( ex: came out with a full head of hair):
City & state of birth:
Two categories for left column equivalent in size to sample (ex: little brother to):
*TO change colors, add/request graphics, add more info over what is shown in sample add to cart as custom. To change more than one of these add as double custom.
Blue Newborn boy Sign
Sizes avail: 8x10, 11x14, 11x17, 16x20, 20x30
Request other sizes via custom request, to see if up charge required.
NOTE: these are digital files ONLY, nothing will be shipped.
custom newborn photoshoot prop, unique newborn announcement sign