Select Style & write following in notes to seller before adding to cart:
Couples name:
Date met:
Small note under date:
Equivalent size story to their meeting:
Amt of years later it is now & places they've traveled or equivalent statement of something else special:
4 numbers of things they've had (ex homes, pets, etc):
2 important dates (shown as engagement & birth of child in sample) or engagement date with longer story than shown in sample:
Engagement party date, time, location, address & RSVP info:
*To change colors, change more than samples show/limitations above, add/edit graphics add to cart as custom. To change more than one of these things add as double custom.
Funny Engagement Party 2 sides
SIZES: 4x6, 5x7, 4.25x11inches or 4.5x12.5inches
NOTE: this is for a digital file only, nothing will be shipped to you.
If selecting custom or rush make sure to note style you'd like in notes to seller.
unique engagement party invite, navy blue engagement, blue gold engagement party invitations
Yes, that's what she said, Save the Date, Modern Save the dates